Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Albania

Updated on Jan 27, 2024 | Saudi e-Visa

Information about Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Albania

Address: Banka arabo - shqiptare Islamike Rnuga Bulevardi Desrmorete Kombit Ndertesae

116 Scandir Bek Street, 3rd floor

Tiranë (Tirana)


About Wildlife in Albania

Albania boasts a rich diversity of wildlife, encompassing various ecosystems from the Adriatic and Ionian coastlines to the mountainous landscapes. The country is home to a variety of bird species, including eagles, vultures, and migratory birds. 

In the dense forests of the Accursed Mountains, brown bears, wolves, and lynxes roam freely. The Prespa Lakes provide a crucial habitat for numerous bird species, making it a haven for birdwatchers. Additionally, Albania's rivers and lakes support diverse fish species, contributing to the overall biodiversity of the region. 

The Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Albania plays an important role in protecting the wildlife and forests of the country. By conserving habitats, combating illegal logging and wildlife trafficking, enabling sustainable agricultural approaches, the Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Albania aims to conserve the health of the flora and fauna.

Natural Wildlife Tourist Attractions in Albania

Valbona Valley National Park

Nestled in the Accursed Mountains, this park offers a pristine wilderness with diverse flora and fauna. Visitors can spot brown bears, wild goats, and various bird species while hiking through its scenic landscapes.

Butrint National Park

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Butrint is an archaeological and natural gem. The park combines ancient ruins with wetlands, providing a habitat for a variety of birds and amphibians. It's a must-visit for history and nature enthusiasts.

Karaburun-Sazan Marine Park

Albania's first marine park, it encompasses the Karaburun Peninsula and Sazan Island. The park is a sanctuary for marine life, including dolphins, monk seals, and diverse fish species. Snorkeling and boat tours offer glimpses of the underwater world.

Divjaka-Karavasta National Park

Known for its lagoon, this park is a haven for birdwatchers. It hosts a significant population of Dalmatian pelicans, flamingos, and other migratory birds. The park also features pristine beaches and pine forests.

Llogara Pass

Offering breathtaking views of the Albanian Riviera, Llogara Pass is a hotspot for bird migration. Raptors such as eagles and vultures soar through the skies, providing a unique and awe-inspiring spectacle for nature lovers.

These natural attractions showcase Albania's rich biodiversity and have the potential to attract responsible wildlife tourism. The Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Albania also celebrates World Wildlife Day in order to showcase their enthusiasm towards the conservation of wildlife in the country.