Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Afghanistan

Updated on Jan 27, 2024 | Saudi e-Visa

Information about Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Afghanistan

Address: Shash Darak

Behind Eyes Office

Wazir Akbar Khan



About Wildlife in Afghanistan

Afghanistan, nestled in the heart of South Asia, boasts a diverse range of wildlife despite the challenges posed by decades of conflict. Afghanistan is home to unique species such as the Marco Polo sheep, Afghan snow finch, and the elusive Persian leopard. The country also hosts migratory birds along the Amu Darya river basin. However, ongoing conflicts and habitat degradation have threatened many species, emphasizing the need for conservation efforts.

The Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Afghanistan plays an important role in protecting the wildlife and forests of the country. By conserving habitats, combating illegal logging and wildlife trafficking, enabling sustainable agricultural approaches, the Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Afghanistan aims to conserve the health of the flora and fauna.

Natural Wildlife Tourist Attractions in Afghanistan

Band-e Amir National Park

Located in the central Bamyan Province, this is Afghanistan's first national park and features stunning blue lakes surrounded by towering cliffs and caves, providing a habitat for a variety of bird species.

The Wakhan Corridor

Nestled between the Pamir and Hindu Kush mountain ranges, this remote region is known for its diverse wildlife, including the elusive snow leopard. The area offers breathtaking landscapes and opportunities for wildlife enthusiasts.

Nuristan Province

With its lush valleys and dense forests, Nuristan is a haven for biodiversity. Visitors can explore its pristine landscapes while observing various species of birds, mammals, and butterflies.

Hari River Valley

This fertile region in western Afghanistan is home to diverse flora and fauna. The Hari River supports a variety of wildlife, and the surrounding landscapes are dotted with archaeological sites, making it a unique destination for nature and history enthusiasts.

Pamir Mountains

Afghanistan shares a portion of the Pamir Mountain range, known for its high-altitude landscapes and unique fauna. The Wakhan National Park within the Pamir Mountains is a UNESCO World Heritage site, offering a chance to spot the iconic Marco Polo sheep and other high-altitude wildlife. 

Despite the challenges, these natural attractions showcase Afghanistan's rich biodiversity and have the potential to attract responsible wildlife tourism. The Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Afghanistan also celebrates World Wildlife Day to showcase their enthusiasm towards the conservation of wildlife in the country.